Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

The latest overwrought BM (Big Media) guilt-by-association crapola has to do with Father Michael Pfleger making fun of Hillary as a guest speaker at Obama’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Predictably, Obama has had to apologize for this but why? Pfleger is a Catholic priest and Trinity UCC is Protestant, and Pfleger was just making a guest appearance in Obama’s church. What’s more, Obama wasn’t consulted about, nor was he there for, Pfleger’s You Tube star turn. Why should he have to apologize for anything Pfleger said? What’s next, will the BM, or Clinton’s campaign, demand he apologize for any errant thing that any member of his UCC congregation might say? (Pfleger, incidentally, apologized for his comments today.)

Say, whatever happened to free speech in this country and that you and only you are responsible for what you say?

When does this GBA madness stop, or when does the media start grilling McCain on some of his unsavory pals from the past, such as Charlie Keating, and his current crop of sleazy buddies, such as lobbyist Rick Davis, his campaign manager?

A little background on Pfleger: Years ago Mad Monk Mike Pfleger made the Chicago papers with his ‘brilliant’ proposal for an anti-drug law that prevented local shops from selling pipes and cigarette papers. Yeah, if those potheads and crack addicts don’t have pipes or papers, they won’t be able to figure out how to make a pipe out of a toilet paper roll and tin foil, or just go to the suburbs and buy what they need. Pfleger’s a flaky publicity hound and it’s a mystery why Trinity ever invited him to give a guest sermon.

The biggest BS moment this week on BM TV was Ann Lewis, a Clinton supporter and DLC Dem, babbling with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC over Gerri Ferraro’s recent piece of dingbattery in the Boston Globe. Gerri’s back on her broken hobbyhorse, this time claiming that white women are afraid to criticize Obama because someone might call them a racist Earth to Gerri: it doesn’t seem to have slowed down your candidate — or yourself. It doesn’t seem to have stopped Andrea Mitchell, either. While Lewis tried to put a good face on Gerri’s half-mad ravings, she took the time to condemn Obama’s campaign for sexist remarks about Hillary, without specifying what she was talking about. Then she deposited the cherry on top by claiming Pfleger’s ridicule of Hillary was sexist. (I saw the video; he wasn’t making fun of her sex, just her campaign style.) Follow this pretzel logic: It’s wrong to call a white woman a racist for criticizing Obama, but if an Obama supporter criticizes Hillary, they’re automatically a sexist. Ann, are you now or have you ever been a Republican?

One note about Scotty McClellan: This former POTUS potty press air freshener is still flacking for Bush, even while he tries to purge his withered soul of years of publicly spewing horsepucky for every putrid top player in the Little King’s Confederacy of Dunces. I caught him last night on Olbermann and he was ludicrously pumping the fairytale that Bush planned to be a ‘uniter’ who ached to be a good president and went awry once in power, no doubt thanks to that Major League A-hole Cheney. This is sheer bunkum: Scotty has known the Bush Boy since Texas and Junior hasn’t changed since then he lazily and ignorantly ran the Lone Star state exactly the way he’s run the US government give away the store to his rich cronies, take long vacations, and let the peasants crawl for the crumbs. Speaking of which, it’s deeply hilarious to hear neocon nutbags like Bill O’Reilly condemn Scotty for gasp! authoring books for money! What, do Billo, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity pen their fiction for free?

A Question: How long until MSNBC sells ‘news analyst’ and caucasian embarrassment Pat Buchanan’s contract to Fox News? Nixon’s former speechwriter and Southern Strategy cheerleader has increasingly been falling off the right-wing edge; he’s now barely hanging on by a thread of sanity, and it’s only a matter of time before the braying old Dixie-whistler drops the ‘N-word’ on Obama or some other dark-skinned candidate and is forced by management to take some time off from NBC to stand in the corner and knit another Confederate flag for the den.


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