Congratulations on your continued employment as a grim reaper, and your elevation to the special class of reaper: harvester of the souls of the already dead. We know you will bring honor to your employer, and of course if you don’t you KNOW what awaits you.
You will be of great service, reaping the souls of the already dead. This has become more of a problem as of late: drivers have closed their windows because the lost spirits distract them by yelling, “You’re going the wrong way! You’re going to KILL somebody!” schools have been visited by the specter of some teacher who can’t stop yelling, “Class, class, SHUT UP!!!” …and some ghost who call himself Bluto who has been pestering frats for years.
1. Put out an ecotoplasm trap. This is the easy, if they’re foolish enough to fall into on. You could bait it with the scent of a lover who spurned them, parent who demeaned them or just some
2. If that fails we provide a spiritual Hoover vacuum cleaner, or the industrial version of an Electrolux: ElectroSUCKS.
3. If all else fails Reaper, Inc. provides ACME portable black holes sold to us by a
Perhaps you should take advice from the Grim Reapers assigned to the Democratic Party: encouraging their leadership to never support: to always run, from a successful president of their own party, and always have the backbone of a jellyfish. OH, and almost ALWAYS kiss up to corporate interests… almost as much as the ReThugs.