Sun. Oct 27th, 2024


by Ken Carman
 So it’s post election, November 2020. Trump has been reelected, despite not just 3 million more votes: despite 5 million more votes. (Pick another amount if that’s not your prediction.) Once again it comes down to the Electoral InspectionCollege and states under Republican control that have purged voters, shut down polls. Basically what has become ‘the usual.’
 Bernie was the candidate. Morning Joe is broadcasting how they knew this would happen because “so far left,” “socialist,” blah, blah, blah. It’s a given that some Bernie supporters will be screaming how Bernie didn’t get enough support from the party: they had been plotting against him from the beginning. We need to abandon the party and go third party, because obviously that has worked… so well… in the past??? Those who supported Joe Biden, or Pete, or… chime in on the, “This is what we get for supporting someone known as a Socialist” mantra.
 Republicans will gleefully join in on the bashing.
  So it’s post election, November 2020. Trump has been reelected, despite not 3 million more votes: 5 million more votes. (Pick another amount if that’s not your prediction.) Once again it comes down to the Electoral College and states under Republican control that have purged voters, shut down polls. Basically what has become ‘the usual.’
 Mayor Pete was the candidate; he who sent one of his surrogates out to get rich people’s money, is corporate connected. Bernie folks scream. The rest in the party scream about how inexperienced he was, and a gay guy? REALLY?
 Republicans will gleefully join in on the bashing.
  So it’s post election, November 2020. Trump has been reelected, despite not 3 million more votes: 5 million more votes. (Pick another amount if that’s not your prediction.) Once again it comes down to the Electoral College and states under Republican control that have purged voters, shut down polls. Basically what has become ‘the usual.’
 Joe Biden was the candidate. “Another corporatist?” some Bernie supporters yell, “Maybe this time the party will learn!” …of course they’re right because that has worked so well in the past. Sarcasm intended. Supporters of Mayor Pete say, “What, we had to go with the old news, old guy?”
 Republicans will gleefully join in on the bashing.
 Obviously I could keep going on this way, but hopefully point made. Now let’s include the fact that over the past 20 years Republicans have been dismantling our electoral process in favor of one party rule. The way rule of law is approached is so obviously one party rule based, right down to super moral Ken Starr’s outrage at Bill Clinton’s behavior but servicing Trump like he’s Donald’s personal Monica. Republican’s demand for more state’s rights abandoned when a state like New York or California behaves in some politically incorrect way, or wishes to actually respect rule of law. Roger Stone who spent his whole trial giving his middle finger to the justice system and splattering his fecal-like behavior all over the judge and her decisions: HE must be given a break and holding him to account is SO unfair, but how DARE McCabe and Comey show an ounce of independence, respect for rule of law?
 Meanwhile the three branches of government are being dismantled via Barr and Trump in favor of a one party dictatorship, in favor of oligarchic rule. The military is being dismantled starting with their justice system, where the commander-in-chief decides what’s fair, what’s not: no need to have a justice system that has any differences with Trump and his AG. The standard is being reset to revenge-based justice system: all from the top, to where anyone suggesting anything wrong with what Trump does is a criminal. Helping with this: the president’s hand puppet; leader of the Senate. With Trump’s little hand so far up his tush those tiny fingers have gone where no colonoscopy has gone before.
 Now imagine what Trump will achieve with four more years.
 Right now the primary is a war of framing, but let’s NOT let framing be so harmful we will lose the main. NO MATTER WHO THE CANDIDATE WHO RUNS IN THE MAIN IS. The why is obvious: because the nastier the framing the more likely Republicans will gleefully join in on the bashing, the more we hurt ourselves.
 When I read any article, or read Facebook posts, that on one hand complains about how their candidate is being sabotaged by the party, by other supporters, by name calling, but on the other hand frame the others in ways that use the same tactics, that would make Goebbels blush, all I can think is…
 Please: stop helping Trump. Stop helping the Republicans. Stop helping THEM.

Inspection is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 40 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks, and into the unseen cracks and crevasses, that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
©Copyright 2020
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions
all rights reserved

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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