Sun. Oct 27th, 2024
Soylent Green, 1973

 I’ll let you: my readers, decide who, what, where and when this conspiracy may have happened, or is happening. If there was a cookbook for conspiracies this could be the ingredients for one very simple, yet effective, recipe. If only it wasn’t so foul tasting. If only it wasn’t akin to Soylent Green.

by Ken Carman
 The term “conspiracy” has gotten a bad rap. There are, and have been, plenty of conspiracies. Adding “theory” is often little more Inspectionthan a framing-based attempt to demean and insult any conspiracy that if not officially accepted. Officially accepted does not necessarily mean completely true. Officially accepted or false doesn’t necessarily mean completely false. Officially accepted conspiracies are great, as long they have been investigated and released in a non-partisan way.
 In severely partisan times where there’s a constant fight between branches of government anyone with a microbe of common sense would laugh and say, “Good luck with that!”
 I would agree with the following premise: most conspiracy theories rarely go under the rigors official conspiracy theories go under. And I would agree that unaccepted theories can be overly complicated. Of course so can the accepted ones. For example: consider all that had to come together for 9/11 to happen.
 The right people, the right pols, the more politically acceptable the officially accepted theory may be, the more that makes it right, right, RIGHT?
 By the way, when did complexity become a sign of ‘wrong?’ Oh yeah, confused people who think Occam’s Razor means the simplest IS the answer, rather than most likely to be the answer. Atoms, solar systems, DNA, the universe, whatever might be beyond: complexity happens. Despite Occam’s Razor.
 But let’s examine something quite simple, something quite Occam-ish: The Do Nothing Conspiracy. The very basis of this conspiracy is simple: it might require no more than one person, at best a few.
 This is crisis management by inaction and worse.
 Those involved know something is likely to happen. They do nothing to prevent it. They might not even know specifically what that something might be: just a crisis. If they are told what is coming: ignore it. Never admit to that.
 If experts and advisers mention something coming… fire them, mock them, tell them they did a good job “now go away.” Do nothing to prepare for what you were warned could happen. Cut staff, cut departments, cut funding, cut supplies, get rid of rules: LEAVE THE DOORS OPEN.
 Once the crisis is upon the nation use phrases like…

  “Who could have known?”
 ”No one knew!”

 You would think some of this would get one kicked out of office, or at least impeached. Don’t worry, as far as the latter goes the loyal base will paint that leader as a victim no matter how guilty they are, how evil and unconstitutional their behavior. That loyal base will also eagerly paint that leader as a hero.
 ”You would think?” Sure: if our politics and politicians weren’t base based. And we’ve had 3 impeachments, no convictions. As far as kicked out of office historically the record is even worse.
 One might think any of this would at least end one’s political career, especially at the ballot box. But the public’s political memory is pitifully short, the ballot box has been and will be gamed, and as long as there is enough time to climb up on the rubble, to climb up on the corpses, and act like a hero for your base…
 So to repeat…
1. Make a crisis more likely.
2. Blame those who criticize, ignore and/or fire those who warn.
3. Offer solutions that either solve nothing or make it worse.
4. Send those hunting to solve the crisis, those looking for who caused, plotted, planned the event, off on snipe hunts.
5. Don’t forget to act the hero and the victim, but repeat 2-4 as much as possible.
 Damn straight.
 A way to win politically?
 In a highly divided, partisan time, when politics is base based, when movements are cult-like, when election fraud is the norm and even accepted by some courts… unfortunately: yes.
 Politicians are supposed to be public servants, do what they think is best for the nation, for ALL their constituents. Not only some base; the rest are viewed as no more than the rabble at best, their rights to be devoured by the base. Times have changed. The Do Nothing Conspiracy designs each crisis to devour our freedoms, our rights, and any true representation. I am reminded of an old Twilight Zone quote…

 ”It’s a COOKBOOK!”

Twilight Zone, To Serve Man, 1962

Inspection is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 40 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks, and into the unseen cracks and crevasses, that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
©Copyright 2020
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions
all rights reserved

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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