Image courtesy Wikipedia
Are you as tired as I am regarding their DEI talking point? Have you noticed Trump, MAGA and the right NEVER say what the letters mean: “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion?”
Of course they don’t, because what the HELL is wrong with “diversity, equity, inclusion?”
That’s the point; they don’t want diversity. equity or inclusion. They want people hired or elected because they are mostly white, mostly male where no inclusion or equity should apply. Not even Jewish or non-Christians. Hence the Charlottesville chant, “Jew will not replace us.”
Of course it goes without typing that they have to be Trumpies. Not even Republicans or Conservatives with an ounce of ethics.
If someone has qualifications for a position why shouldn’t they have a chance to be appointed to, or hired for, or voted into, a position? I get it if they have the wrong political positions. This is what politics does, especially when extremists are doing the hiring and firing. We should just focusing in on that. Not their race, their ethnicity, their sexual proclivities. Those should neither auto disqualify nor qualify them. But that is the intent of the DEI talking point. While accusing us of only focusing on those things that is EXACTLY what they do when using the DEI talking point.
I remember how the right on Facebook went on and on about Kamala being a DEI hire. Never you mind her long and varied career as a public servant, climbing the political ladder to what many of us hoped would be a promotion from VP to president. Her race had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. It was the MAGA right making an issue of her race and sex.
But I do know who actually was a DEI hire via the Electoral Court…
Donald Trump. Donnie had NO experience as a public servant, handling large governmental organizations or working with huge different agencies. His international experience was limited to business, and non-existent politically. His “experience” was as a business person who inherited his riches and failed again and again at the scams he kept setting up, like Trump U, or the Trump charity. I would type he is a scam artist, but there’s never been any “artist” to it. At best “clumsy” and “awkward” apply.
But he was, and IS, a white, male, right wing bigot whose racism goes back to the Central Park 5 and keeping blacks out of Trump hotels. The essential WMD candidate who qualified because he all about white male dominance.
Here’s what I think we should do. Every time they spew this asinine talking point we could simply say…
”DEI? No, I think the REAL problem is the demand for WMD: White Male Dominance.”
As a sidebar I suppose one could use “superiority” instead of “dominance,” but I really think “WMD” is better because their demands are like WMD: intended as a weapon of rhetorical mass destruction. The kind of WMD used in war by terrorists are disguised/hidden so we’ll keep tripping over the bombs. In this case be tripped by claims of DEI without saying, “Wait… ‘what the HELL is wrong with diversity, equity, inclusion?'” Why keep tripping and letting them have the point?
Why don’t they just say “diversity, inclusion, equity?” Because using the actual words severely weaken their talking point.
We really need to immediately counter their DEI BS with “WMD,” and counter their other, short, memorable abbreviations with our own. Make sure the public knows what they actually mean. We need to do what they do: spread “WMD” on our media sources. Counter their Fox, Newsmax and OAN DEI talking point using our sources like MSNBC, Link, Sirius Progress. Use it on talking head shows. Shove it in the faces of Doocy, O’Reilly, Jeanine Pirro, Mark Levin, the Silly Savage, Matt Gaetz: etc.
This has been a problem with the left for many, many years. When talking points are spewed we counter with silence or long explanations. Silence gives them the point and long explanations make the viewer’s, the listener’s, minds go blank.
We need the WMD counter point.
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“Inspection” is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 50 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks and into the unseen cracks and crevasses that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
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Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions.
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[…] Recently I wrote a column called The Demand for WMD, or “the demand for White Male Dominance,” “White Male Superiority” works […]