Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

“Presenting carefully fermented observations on the somewhat more pleasant activities of those alien beasties: the Yeasties from the planet Microbiota.”
Ellicotville Brewing in Freedonia, NY

Written by Ye Olde Scribe

Scribe was out getting supplies for his anti-Archie Bunker when he decided to drive out West and rope a few doggies. Well, actually he had gone to Erie to visit a friend and refused to give New York any more money for the most rotten, poorly kept, interstate in the country: The Stealway. Better known by the lie “Thruway.” Gotta bribe the State to get “Thru” at all.

Up, down,slightly rolling hills and, praise the great God: Groucho! HAIL FREEDONIA! YOS stopped for a beer, or two, or three…

Cute little bugger: brick walls, small brewing system; most of the brewing is done at the main pub in Ellicotville a bit east of here, like 60 miles or so over very rolling hills. But they do brew an occasional here.

The beers were a bit hit and miss. Scribe did pick up a bottle of Dropus Pantius. He’s had this 11.5% before and it is barleywine beatific with even more hops than one would expect. Scribe even dropped his pants after having a few. Then had to spend a lot of time convincing Homeland Security he didn’t have one big example of WMD growing forth from his nether region. He only escaped by telling so many puns he gave them the slip because they were too busy GROINING to notice. Now if he can only find the female who gave him the slip to begin with, or at least her number.

Beers tried, from yuck to YES!!!!!!!!!!.

Smoked Hefe: who the hell decided to do this? Like drinking a light banana beverage filled with essence of bandaid. Smoked can do this but there’s so little body and complexity it doesn’t make it pleasant at all.

Scotch Ale: too many dark malts and exceptionally sweet for the style. Not carmelized. Just sweet. Drinkable.

Black Jack Oatmeal Stout: oatmeal chewy with a bit too much chocolate malt and little head. Not bad at all. Enjoyable.

Pump King: Ya’d never know this is at least 10%. Deceptively light. Nice spicing with, perhaps, way too much All Spice for some. Like All Spice? You’ll love this. Scribe did.

Hopicity: A perfect APA with wet hops and deep copper. A bit grassy: expected with wet hops. Caramel/hop nose that is so tempting Scribe wonders if caramel hop nose would make a great Halloween candy.
Nice warm pub. Picture a bit fuzzy: just like Scribe before he left.

Scribe recommends. Just get the sampler first so you know what you might like, and ask for one or two other samples then order a pint or more.

By Professor Good Ales

Mythical poster at The LTS Good for What Ales You Beer Journal. Loves good beer. Hates same old, same old. Muses that Bud and Miller might as well be brewed in urinals. Drinks lagers too, if they are complex and interesting.

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