Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Storage UnitYesterday started out on a sour note. I had multiple ideas of what I should do for the day, and I just couldn’t get started on any of them. I had tossed and turned all night due to an altercation with a friend. One of those silly disagreements, that didn’t amount to a hill of beans.
I was supposed to go to church, but the afternoon was predicted to be hot and humid. I knew I would not get my work finished if I put it off. I headed out to my daughter’s with the dog while I figured it out. Her house is on the way, and I could leave the dog there if I went on to church.
It turned out that their family was headed to the lake with the canoe for a couple of hours before she had to go to work. OK. Water, beach, trees, family – those are all going to cheer me up – and the dog could go along. We had a lovely time. I bumped into some friends, got information on boat rentals, waded in the cold water, and got some sun. I felt rejuvenated.
My grandson came to help me move stuff at the storage units. My son-in-law and I are combining our units to save me some money. The task was to get some stuff out of my unit and into my car, and then to get his stuff into my unit.
Storage units tend to be tall, but without shelves, so things get stacked on top of each other. Each of us had moved at short notice, and things had been hastily piled into the units. There is quite a bit of stuff that needs sorting and trashing. There is also furniture, books, camping gear. photographs…….. My unit has many antigue steamer trunks filled with old family photographs, stacked two high. Fortunately our units are opposite each other so we just had to carry things across the driveway from one unit to the other.
My grandson is young and not yet that strong, and not a completely willing partner. He wanted to be playing with his friends, but he did a good job. He carried things, and picked up and helped with some things that were really too heavy for us. I never would have finished it in one day without him.

Well, we didn’t quite finish. There are two cast iron wood-stoves still to move. I’ll need adult help with those, and not at the end of a long day.

After a trip home to unload the car and catch a nice, hot shower, we headed back to the farm for a barbecue. While my son-in-law cooked, the grand-kids sang old 80’s hits with one daughter, while my other daughter set the table and served drinks. What a great meal at the end of a hard working day. Strawberry shortcake for dessert! It was luscious.
Today, the dog and I are recouping. I need to putter around and get the house tidied up, and perhaps get some more laundry done. I may even get some more gardening done. Thanks to the rain and the composted manure, my plants are looking pretty good. I have some more seeds to go in, and I should build the retaining wall for my potato patch.

And of course – start sorting that stuff I brought home.

By Ana Grarian

50+ hippy chick from NY - STATE - and yes, I'm sensitive about that.

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Ken Carman
11 years ago

Sounds like a great day.

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