Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

I read BartCop everyday. I don't link him, though. Why? Because he is an Obama smearer. But, something noteworthy happened today.

Bart actually published an entire edition today without smearing Barack Obama.

That's quite an accomplishment, after months of Barack-baiting. He still gets no link because he hasn't said anything good about Obama yet, and that's important-because it shows that he is no longer a Hillary dead ender and therefore of use to the Democratic candidate.

You're almost there, Bart. He will conference call you.


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Ken Carman
16 years ago

Ironic. I don’t get to read his site much right now: I’m on the road. But I’ve found most of his critiques fair… once again: note I typed “most,” not “all.” I guess to even dare to criticize is “smear” to some. Of course the nastiness isn’t one sided no matter how much Barack supporters (some… not “all”) attempt to claim it is… as noted in the post after yours.

16 years ago

I know. But the nastiness is lopsided, Ken.

RS Janes
16 years ago

Ron, like you, I still read Bart and have enjoyed his site for years. Unfortunately, he seems to think that a Hillary presidency will be just like Bill Clinton’s, without some of the awful things that Bill did, such as NAFTA, GATT, welfare reform, etc. He doesn’t recognize that times have changed and Hillary isn’t Bill, although they sometimes seem to be Siamese twins. He also seems to think Hillary is above criticism, and has harshly snapped at his former heroes like Robert Parry (Consortium for revealing unpleasant facts about her.

That said, Bart’s a decent guy who has, to paraphrase Randi Rhodes, fallen in love with the wrong woman. I’ll also defend him on this point: He has stated several times that he’ll vote for Obama should he be the Dem nominee. Obama will need those Hillary votes in November.

Ken Carman
16 years ago

I disagree it’s lopsided in the sense I think you are. In fact if we count supporters as well as the two candidates I could argue the lop is the other way easily.

16 years ago

Ken, that’s positively delusional. God, I can’t wait for June 3rd so we can all exhale.

Ken Carman
16 years ago

Ron, I botched my comment. Apologies. While we disagree about “delusional” it didn’t address your point.

But let’s go here first. You think I’m delusional? Fine. Let’s bring this down to name calling. That comment backs nothing up; just makes an accusation: which is exactly the kind of response I would expect from the type of Barack supporter I am complaining about. Note: not Barack himself.

But when it comes to Barack himself… I for one will not just “exhale.” I’m sure Barack must know by now what has been said in his name like Rhandi’s “fucking whore,” or claiming that when Hillary gives an example of how even campaigns like Bobbie’s go on to June a campaign with less support than Hillary’s has vote/state-wise that she’s suggesting someone kack Barack, are being turned into what they are not for political gain. My guess is he’s even heard and read about the violent comments, like what I posted. They blow what Hillary gave as example out of the political swill, IMO. Barack’s not a stupid man. So it’s most likely he’s either sitting back and letting his supporters do it, or he’s interested in encouraging such rage.

Hence, I will vote for him but I don’t trust him… even less now than I do Hillary.

(It was a terrible example for her to use. She should have known it would be turned into what it was not. I’m beginning to wonder if she no longer cares. I know that’s how I feel when my words are twisted into what they’re not. I remember when these reversions first started she attempted to defend herself in public: now she no longer bothers.)

Now: Bart. I misunderstood your comment due to very limited computer time. (God I wish I hear at least a few Barack supporters say something even close to that, rather than insisting she has said something she didn’t say.) Your right: his site is overwhelming pro-Hillary. That’s his right. (Some days I wonder if Barack supporters are willing to act rationally when faced with any criticism of him.) He has posted some stuff I thought was a tad too, too… if you know what I mean. Could be interpreted as racist. Of course, it often has been whether it is or not. Some things he brings up: like the fact that his overwhelming win in NC was something like 90% Black driven are valid points if true… and I wish I heard or read Barack supporters trying to disprove that rather than namecalling… but I can see how that can be misinterpreted.

For the most part I have found him very slanted, but fair… far more fair than I have found some of the counter attacks here: like “delusional.” (Sorry, but it’s true.) If someone wants something more “newsy” or balanced, then if they go to Bart, or here, or Chimp: they’re in the wrong damn place.

16 years ago

Ken: vis a vis The pro-Hillary Internet: the smearing is one sided, and anyone who can’t see that is blinded by Barack hate and Hillary obsession and it’s way too late for Hil to come back, so why bother? I did not say you are delusional. You’ve been fair in your comments, but understand the nastiness is coming from Clinton supporters moreso than Obama supporters.

Ken Carman
16 years ago

I don’t agree and I don’t hate Barack, and I’m not obsessed with Hillary. In fact I’m not a big fan of either. Neither were my choices. Both have issues. I’m not sure if either can win: though I hope he can. So, at least in my case: you’re wrong.

One sided? Not from what I’m observing. In fact: individually I have found few H supporter-bloggers defending their candidate online, excepting those who run sites like Bart. I don’t even find that many of those. (All kind of odd, but true.) I haven’t found any using something like, as one poster did, “You’re bitch is going down.” (which would sub “n” for “b.”) The one I just mentioned did back off when confronted. Are they (the H ones) out there? (…literally and figuratively speaking …or typing as it would be in this case?) I’m sure they are, but we’re referring to quantities.

Did I say I wanted her to “come back?” My concern is looking at it as fairly, and as honestly, as I can. Your comment about delusional is technically correct. To claim that you did, now that I have looked at it, I would have to insert words. My mistake. Unfortunately this is where we are these days: and that I do blame that mostly on Barack supporters. “Kid” is not “”boy.” An example of Bobbie going til June (but not past a bullet) does not a suggestion of killing make. Bill saying about O’Bama anti war record after he entered Congress is the same (“the whole thing is a fairy tale”) does not make a Black candidacy a fairy tale. And none of this even comes close to Hillary being “a fucking whore.”

I keep typing it. I’ll type it again. If Barack supporters really believe he wants to get beyond this kind of politics then they’d better goddamn start acting like it themselves. Otherwise, they’re making sound him sound like a fraud and a liar. In large part this is why I have come to the point of not trusting him. He; or at least those around him, would have to be both deaf and blind to miss all this.

16 years ago

Ken….you want to see real vitriol….go to real clear politics, find an article about Obama written by Newsweek, The Times, or even the Tribune. Go to the bottom, and most of them offer a comments area….then go ahead and read from there. The vitriol is almost 65%+ pro-Clinton hate bashing Obama. I think it is rather amusing myself….but you might want to check it out if you have the time.

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