Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Yesterday was a very productive day even if I have only an aching back to show for it. I spent the morning cleaning up the back yard. I moved a pile of cinderblocks and bricks that seemed to be marking a small bush, but as the bush is really just a weed around here – no flowers or anything. I though they must be marking some kind of a hazard. Nope – not that I can tell. One more obstacle out of the way. I also burned up a pile of twigs and leaves that we had gathered after a big thunderstorm and from cutting down a heavily leaning tree. This allowed me to finally get that corner of the yard mowed. Then I went back to clearing a path through the woods along my property line – or trying to. I couldn’t walk a straight line in an empty field, no less in a densely overgrown woods. I started with the tree marked as my corner and headed in trying to follow what seemed like a line of similarly aged trees, and not to veer too much toward an easier path. there is a lot of underbrush and my plan for now is to make aa path that is visible by cutting out the tiny saplings and shrubs. Eventually I came out into my neighbors fields, too far south and west. By now I was exhausted and very thirsty, so I made my way back to the house for a cold drink and a chance to straighten up for a while. Now I am searching for a simple easy to use compass app for my phone. Someplace I have a regular compass, still packed in a box somewhere. Meanwhile my phone app seems to be having some problems locating the sattelite…ah well. Then an hour or so bent over weeding and my back was screaming. Eventually I reached a place where I could work on my hands and knees which was much better. Last night we had quite a bit of rain which is much appreciated by the garden, but which means my work outside will have to wait until after work. Ah well, I have a book to finish and birds to watch – and squirrels to chase away from the feeder. The garden is starting to burst. Tomatoes, peppers, two kinds of squash, radishes and beets. My kale may finally be coming into its own as are the carrots. I’ll need to start freezing things, and eating more veggies, though peanut butter on a zuchini is not quite as appealing as a PBJ on bread. I could go sort more boxes in the garage, but I think I hear a book calling…..

By AFarmer

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