Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

Nashville, TN

Next Monthly Club Meeting

Saturday, April 11th: 2pm

From RJ Tazelaar,

For the April meeting, I will provide hot dogs on the smoker, as well as buns and the regular hot dog fixins.

Id like to ask everyone to bring a covered dish to the meeting, and copy everyone on this email so we keep track of whats being provided and whats still needed.

I also recommend folks bring a lawn chair. Well meet in the basement/back patio area.

My house address is 2028 Hickory Hill Lane Hermitage, TN 37076. Heres a mapquest link.

My home phone is 883-3102.

RJ Tazelaar, P.E.

Movie Time!

April 16th
Beer Wars
For more information GO HERE.

Do It for “the Cause…”

Please show your support by filling out a card in the grocery store or by going to HERE to sign up there.

The Pro Am competition is going to be the later part of May. All of the details are not finalized yet, but If you want to enter, I would recommend firing your kettles up really soon. Ill get an email out to the membership as soon as all plans are finalized.

Ross Oshea will be going to Memphis tomorrow and will be dropping off MCB entries for the Bluff City Brew Off. Thanks Ross J. Please get with him today if you still want to send entries down.

A Note From Johnathan Adams…

The Bluegrass Cup is the weekend of May 16th. Any MCB member wishing to send entries for this please contact me. I, along with Tom Vista and Phil Snyder will be going to this event. This will be their first annual competition and I think it would be great if MCB would step up and provide a good showing. If anyone has any questions about this event, please contact me. Also, you can register and pay for your entries online HERE. Any entry that is registered and paid for before the entry deadline can be delivered day of. Anyone else wanting to go up for the event and judge or steward, please register online.

By Professor Good Ales

Mythical poster at The LTS Good for What Ales You Beer Journal. Loves good beer. Hates same old, same old. Muses that Bud and Miller might as well be brewed in urinals. Drinks lagers too, if they are complex and interesting.

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