Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

By Jenn Weinshenker

We want to move
To grasp what is just out of reach
But we lack the ability

We try to secure enough balance
To determine our direction
But we incessantly wobble
In a sea of vane futility

Walled in
We strive like
…Reeds bursting through
…The icy crust of a bog in early spring
We stretch and reach
…Our primal scream
…Echoes through the bedrock of sheer frustration

We continue to grip and claw
Upward toward a 360 degree view
Of all of it
Only to find The Center doesnt exist
We cannot hold onto what we have
And even with our best efforts
Another fall is a certainty

We see all of this
We know where we want to go
But we dont know how to get there
And yet we keep trying

To know love and vulnerability
And to prize the beauty and elegance of nature
As it is
Is to become an extension of this living compass
This magma-tic
Ebb and flow

Finding a way
Of neutralizing polar
Pushes and pulls;
Disillusionments; hopes
And the subsequent expectations
That frustrate us
Is the key to freedom

The obstacles we face
The opposites we seek
And the objectives we explore
Navigate us through the misdirections
That confuse us

How to live graciously
Without suffering
… Becomes clear to us
… In equal relative measure
… With how well we discipline ourselves
… To look beyond the edge
… Of what we have defined as meaningful

Regardless of our abilities or inabilities
Or what we can endure
During the most tumultuous times in our lives
We are capable of experiencing peace
When we let go of the specific
And appreciate the unity of flow
Jenn Weinshenker.
All Rights Reserved

We try to secure enough balance To determine our direction But we incessantly wobble In a sea of vane futility.
"We try to secure enough balance To determine our direction But we incessantly wobble In a sea of vane futility."

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