Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

Pensacola Area

If you are planning to bring beer to the beerfest you must ensure you have of have arranged for everything needed to store and dispense your beer. If you aren’t planning to bring a cooler, CO2 & tap you should make sure you have arranged to use/share another member’s. There will not be gaurenteed extra equipment at the beerfest and your beer won’t do anyone any good if we can’t get it out of the keg. So……if you don’t plan to bring anything but your beer keg you better speak up at Sunday’s meeting and see if someone else can agree to help. We will likely have as many as 15-20 club beers & ciders so the club’s equipment will not be enough to take care of all of them.

We also need beer for the Hot Glass Cold Beer event at the Belmont Art Center on September 25th. Please let me know if you can suppy beer for this fun event. I would also like to get at least a couple volunteers to help serve beer & wine. Let me know if you are interested.

Pat Johnson

We have an opportunity to order grain again in a couple weeks. I will get more specific on the exact date in the near future but if you want grain it’s time to get your orders together. I would like to have the grain orders from individual members by the 26th of this month so I can consolidate them and place the order. Call me with questions.

Pat Johnson

If anyone knows of a good location for beer-fest posters (ones that the owners agree to allow) please let me know so we can get all the promotion possible. We have a limited number of posters (about 16’X24″) and only want the in places that will promote the festival (as opposed to souvenirs).
Club members are expected to sell 5 or 10 tickets as part of their membership obligation. Remember, you only pay $20 a year and the rest of the membership benefits come from ticket sales for the beer fest. If you need tickets please contact me or one of the other officers and get them ASAP. The idea is to sell them as soon as possible o that the folks purchasing them will try to persuade their friends and relatives to buy tickets and come with them. Anyway, if everyone sells some tickets it doesn’t cost the members anything yet we still get the benefits. SELL SOME TICKETS!!!
A list of club-member “beerfest volunteers” will be sent out shortly and we will begin assigning duties.
The club brewed the past two Saturdays and Bill Cristea & I brewed last night. Everyone is getting ramped up for their beer fest beers. I need to know who plans to bring beer and what they plan to bring so we can get the signs for our booth prepared. So let me know what you are bringing ASAP.

Pat Johnson

I have a few emails from members wanting to volunteer and a lot of verbal commitments. I need ALL members who wish to volunteer to send me an email ASAP. Those that do not send the emails will not be on the list at the door (free entree list) and no one will get in if they are not on the list. Of course those that are committee chairmen or club officers are already on the list. Those bringing beer also need to be on the list so you too need to send the email. We are trying to get the festival a little more organized and your assistance in this matter will help a lot.

Pat Johnson

By Professor Good Ales

Mythical poster at The LTS Good for What Ales You Beer Journal. Loves good beer. Hates same old, same old. Muses that Bud and Miller might as well be brewed in urinals. Drinks lagers too, if they are complex and interesting.

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