Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

(Nashville, TN)

Announcing the 14th Annual Music City Brew Off
October 9th and 10th
‘New Place New Face’ for 2009

To all homebrewers, judges, stewards and beer enthusiasts, I personally invite you to the 14th Annual Music City Brew Off. We are continuing our efforts to make our competition the finest in the South East and are changing venues after 13 great years hosted most generously by Boscos Brew Pub, Nashville. This year in an effort to keep our competition in one location and provide for out of town judges to stay close to the event we are moving to the Holiday Inn Select at 2200 Elm Hill Pike near the Nashville Airport. We have secured special room rates of $99/night for this event. At this years event our special guest will be John Palmer, author of ‘How To Brew’ and co-author of ‘Brewing Classic Styles’

This year we will be kicking off the competition with a complete all grain demo on Friday October 9th in the Hotel parking lot called the Reception Brew-n-Greet. We plan to brew a recipe, one of John Palmer’s to be held over for next years event. Mash In @ 1:00 PM and is free to all attendees and will include free samples of a HopGod Standard – the 228; Following the Reception Brew-N-Greet we will have a special buffet dinner with accompanying homebrewed beers we are calling it the Beer Buffet! Following the dinner John Palmer will be making a presentation about water chemistry in the brewing process.

After the Buffet and presentation from John Palmer we will be having the first ever Music City Club Crawl free to all attendees, where we have invited clubs from all over the region to come and participate and to show their club spirit and serve their great homebrews. A prize will be awarded to the Best Dressed Club Booth.

Saturday Morning our BJCP/AHA Sanctioned Competition will hold (2) sessions for judging; a morning session and afternoon session; with a provided lunch break for judges and stewards in between sessions courtesy of the Music City Brewers. All judges and stewards will also be receiving a special gift from the MCB in appreciation of their participation.

All winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) from all judged categories receive Ribbons and Gift Certificates from Rebel Brewer in ($15, $10 and $5 respectively). Best of Show receives an engraved plaque and gift certificate for $150, 2nd and 3rd place BOS receive Ribbons and gift certificate for $75 and $50 respectively. Best of Meads and Best of Ciders both receive special ribbons and gift certificates in the amount of (1st – $50, 2nd – $25, 3rd – $15)

Winner of the HopGod Challenge receives a $150 gift certificate from Fresh Hops and $100 gift certificate from Rebel Brewer.
Also ‘The Ed Tate Club Award’ will be given to one of the participating clubs with a minimal of 10 entries. The Ed Tate Award represents a quality award based on 10 categories of involvement. The winning club will receive and engraved plaque and will also be engraved on an permanent plaque held by the Music City Brewers.

Following the judging we will have The Music City Pub Crawl for attendees to check out the pub scene in Nashville, pub participants forthcoming. The Music City Brewers will provide designated drivers to ferry everyone around town via some real big vans. Fee for the pub crawl will be $5 per person. A stop will be set aside for attendees to get a dinner at one of the fine brew pubs of Nashville. While the pub crawl is going Best of Show Judging will occur. Best of Show judges will be treated to a dinner courtesy of The Competition Coordinator.

Following the Pub Crawl we will hold an Awards Ceremony and Loaded Raffle with lots of great swag from sponsors from all over the country. Proceeds to benefit ‘Children’s Miracle Network’ while serving competition beers and those left over from the Music City Club Crawl.

Interest in participating in the Music City Club Crawl please contact Liz Snyder at

Interest in providing beer for The Beer Buffet please contact Jonathan Adams at

Interest in Judging/Stewarding please contact Tom Gentry at

Hotel Reservations can be made at use block code MCB or call 1-800-633-4427/1-615-883-9770 and say they are with the Music City Brew Off – Rates are $99 a night plus applicable taxes and will be available until September 9th, 2009 so book em now.

Dinner and Pub Crawl Reservations will be able to be purchased online at on the Brew Off Page. The cost for the dinner is $40 per person and the Pub Crawl cost will be $5 per person. There are limited number of seats available for the dinner and pub crawl and will be given on a first come first serve basis.

For Complete Rules and Regulations, Judges and Steward Registration, Hotel, Dinner and Pub Crawl Reservations; The complete information and links will be available at on the Brew Off page.

Well I hope to see all here in Nashville in October and until then
May The Hops Be With You
Tom Vista
Music City Brewers Competition Coordinator

By Professor Good Ales

Mythical poster at The LTS Good for What Ales You Beer Journal. Loves good beer. Hates same old, same old. Muses that Bud and Miller might as well be brewed in urinals. Drinks lagers too, if they are complex and interesting.

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15 years ago

[…] post:  LT Saloon | 14th Annual Music City Brewers Brew-Off Posted in Talk About Music | August 6th, 2009 Leave a […]

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