Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Not accurate picture of the bottle Scribe bought, but your better off NOT knowing- YOS
Not accurate picture of the bottle Scribe bought, but your better off NOT knowing- YOS

(YOS says: “Good site… but in this one case: BAD BEER.)

Reviewed by Ye Olde Scribe

McSorley’s Irish PALE Ale? Scribe is no BJCP style Nazi, but why doth it pour RED? No hops. A bit of caramel here. But the rest is Butter Buds. That’s right BUTTER BUDS. If Scribe wanted this he would have melted Land O’ Lakes.

Sorry for the insult, Mr. Lakes. You’re right. It’s not even good enough to be butter.

Plus, who the hell is “McSorley’s?” OK, it’s a pub, but Scribe is pretty sure they don’t bottle. The bottle says Wilkes-Barre, which would be… Lion Brewery? At one time Scribe heard they used Pabst. Now if it were Pabst, Scribe would understand. Of course Pabst doesn’t can themselves anymore either, though they and other bland, boring, beer sellers; pretending to be actual brewers, should have been CANNED long ago.

Yes, Brew World has become Vendor Land, which would be no problem if they do it right and to recipe, like F X Matt. Some give their customers and therefore the public “whatever” though, which in this case is UDDER-ly absurd.

You need to dump your vendor, “Mr.” McSorley. Unless you like your carbonated beverage, when opened, to say, “Parkay!”

By Professor Good Ales

Mythical poster at The LTS Good for What Ales You Beer Journal. Loves good beer. Hates same old, same old. Muses that Bud and Miller might as well be brewed in urinals. Drinks lagers too, if they are complex and interesting.

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