Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

… well, according to Glenn Beck anyway.


Beck Introduces the New Black Robe Regiment

That’s right, 240 preachers show up at Beck’s ‘Gull on the Mall’ party — his ‘Black Robe Regiment’ — and, somehow, they represent what 180 million Americans think? This must be the miracle Beck was promoting!

Our New Messiah Glenn Beck’s Message From God: ‘Just Do It’

“This is the beginning of the great awakening of America … We must give voice to what God says we must do My message to you tonight is stand where He wants you to stand and trust in the Lord. If He tells you to do it, do it. If you can’t figure it out, He will. Just do it.”
— Glenn Beck yesterday on his ‘Restoring Honor’ rally message, as quoted by NBC news services, Aug. 28, 2010.

Is Glenn Beck listening to God or Nike’s advertising agency?

“All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.”
— John Arbuthnot

So do ‘non-political’ tea parties and jumped-up bipolar Shock Jocks who pretend to be religious figures.


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