Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Frank Blair, aka Frank The Liberal, reappears here at Our End of the ‘Net with the weekly podcast of is radio show, Equal Time Radio, broadcast Fridays on KLAY 1180 in Lakewood, Washington.

  • Deboraj Lightfoot from Native Quest tells us about the exciting events and wonderful books and art available at the 25th and Jefferson facility. Go there, buy stuff.
  • Denny Heck is running for Congress in the new 10th district. He tells us why.
  • Our Man on the Floor of the House Steve Kirby (D-29) calls FROM the Floor of the House to give us a legislative update.
  • Michael Collier From Associated Ministries calls to let us know that the evil protesters will NOT be at the service for the Powell boys. I HOPE.


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Ken Carman
12 years ago

Nice having you back, Frank. I liked the last one, but have to wait til I am at a library: dial up can be unkind.

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