The Tattlesnake Tying Up Loose Ends Edition
As your Tattler tries to absorb and process through his thickened skull the startling and emotional events of Election Day, and the elevation of an intelligent, articulate and capable man…
As your Tattler tries to absorb and process through his thickened skull the startling and emotional events of Election Day, and the elevation of an intelligent, articulate and capable man…
"How would they get away with it? Well, they begin explaining away how the "pollsters" get it wrong, how pollsters didn't figure the 'Bradley Effect' of lying, racist voters. They'll…
Note: The figure following the state name indicates its number of electoral votes. First off, let's stipulate that McCain-Palin should carry Idaho (4), Kansas (6), Nebraska (5), Oklahoma (7), South…
In my informal surveys of John and Jane Q. Public-Sixpack over the years (and usually conducted near a six-pack), I've noticed an interesting phenomenon the more well-known and admired a…
Laugh-a-bull: McCain's top pollster Bill McInturff appeared on MSNBC with Chuck "Not Related to Crazy Ashley" Todd on Halloween. To put it politely, McInturff was pissing up a rope trying…