Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Who Said the Following?

Get out a pencil and paper and take the quiz. And no cheating with ‘the Google.’

1. “The most important distinction in this campaign is that I represent real hope for change … I want to bring that change to the American people. But we must all decide first we have the courage to change for hope and a better tomorrow.”

2. “I believe experience counts, but it’s not everything. Values, judgment, and the record that I have amassed in my state also should count for something.”

3. “We have got to have the courage to change.”

4. “And you can have the right kind of experience and the wrong kind of experience. Mine is rooted in the real lives of real people, and it will bring real results if we have the courage to change.”

5. “[W]e need a president who will bring this country together, not divide it. We’ve had enough division. I want to lead a unified country.”

6. “We can do it. I know we can. ”

7. “We don’t have a person to waste in this country. We are being murdered economically because we have too many drop-outs, we have too many low birthweight babies, we have too many drug addicts as kids, we have too much violence, we are too divided by race, by income, by region. And I have devoted a major portion of this campaign to going across this country and looking for opportunities to go to white groups and African American groups and Latino groups and Asian American groups and say the same thing.”

8. “If the American people cannot be brought together, we can’t turn this country around. If we can come together, nothing can stop us.”

9. “But if you don’t have the guts to control costs by changing the insurance system and taking on the bureaucracies and the regulation of health care in the private and public sector, you can’t fix this problem. Costs will continue to spiral.
“So let’s be careful. When we talk about cutting health care costs, let’s start with the insurance companies and the people that are making a killing instead of making our people healthy.”

10. “I’m tired of being told we can’t. I say we can. We can do better, and we must.”

Answers below.

Answer: All quotes come from Bill Clinton, in his first presidential debate with George H.W. Bush and H. Ross Perot, St. Louis, Missouri, Oct. 11, 1992.


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The All-Mighty Webmaster
16 years ago

Yet the very same Bill Clinton blasts Obama for saying the same things.

Go figure.

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