Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

The forecast for the next two weeks is rain with intermittent cloudy periods

and occasional thunderstorms. We are not amused.

I stopped by the local greenhouse yesterday to see what was available and what this years prices are like. The place was shut up because it was so cold they had to re-start the heaters. This weather has not been good for business, and they are unable to get their vegetable crops into the ground for sale at this years farm market.

It was lovely to spend some time in the warm, walking up and down the brightly colored and fragrant aisles. I bought some pansies which will tolerate this still cold weather, but I’ve got my eyes on some lovely orange and yellow begonias for later. I’m hoping some sun before Mother’s Day will bring crowds to their till. Still antsy from too much time indoors I went grocery shopping and traversed every aisle just to do some walking even though I needed just a few things.

I have managed to work up some soil and plant a few seeds. Mostly flowers, but kale and radishes too. I should be making a plan of what is where so I can make adjustments for next year, once I know how the sun reaches different parts of the yard when the trees are leafed out. I’ve noted that the end of the house near the driveway seems to stay in perpetual shadow. Good for keeping the living room cool. I am lucky to have quite a bit of overhang over the picture window also.
This year I plan to keep most of my plants in the front yard. I need to do some clean-up of the back lot, and I may want to fence all or part of that in for pasture. So many plans, but all dependent on my back and my finances. I’ll do what I can as I can and learn to live with it.
Today the dog is sleeping off her flurry of activity yesterday. The old lady spent several hours out in the rain, traversing the fields to get to the neighbors compost pile. Some of that bounty is finding its way back up today, fortunately out of doors. In the meantime she is hogging the couch and sleeping like a log.
Chickens are beginning to coming home to roost. Our first arrival was last night, and she is spending her time in the rabbit coop until we can finish her new abode. I put the bunny in with her for some fresh air. Neither seemed happy with the arrangement, though the bunny was much less concerned than the chicken. The hen expressed her disgust with this impertinant intruder quite loudly. The bunny seemed only to be distressed by her flapping wings. I could almost hear him say “chill out lady I’m just trying to get to my water bottle!”
The cat is becoming quite the socialite. After spending most of her time under the bathroom vanity, she has discovered that many feet mean many folks sharing tidbits in the kitchen. She desires a much more intimate relationship with the fridge than I am willing to allow her.
Certainly the menagerie is coming around. They’re not much for discussing politics or religion, but then they don’t disagree with me much either.

By AFarmer

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