Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

2017, Nashville, Tennessee and the Nation– Advocates demanded more guns in more places as a solution to gun violence.

Nashville, Tennessee, March 20th– Following a long national trend the city council Inspection recently announced what is being called ‘incentives’ for Amazon to set up shop in Nashville. These incentives amount to $500 per hired employee. The unasked question: “Exactly how does this qualify as, ‘free’ enterprise, or the wonders of capitalism? Maybe fascism with a capitalistic facade?”

And Now Our Repetitive Feature: “Never in the News!”– Companies like Trump Co put out the cheese and starving, freedom seeking mice cross the border get the blame, have children taken from them, companies get the profit. Of course a wall will ‘solve all.’ Wait, do we see the cheese being put in the trap again?

2017, Nashville, Tennessee– Frequency of shootings are up to at least one every two or three days. In response advocates demanded more guns in more places. Meanwhile, nationally, Trump tweets attacks on McCain and anyone who dares to disagree. All of which amount to necrophilia: politically raping a corpse and stroking his own ego in public like a man in a trench coat might gratify himself in a public park. While yelling, “Greatest victory in human history! Ever! Biggest victory in the universe! Now look over there! No, coh-lou-shion! NO, look over THERE! No, COH-LOU-SHION!! NO, LOOK OVER THERE!!!”

Nashville, Tennessee, March 20th– Surgeons at Vanderbilt removed the wrong kidney from a patient. Now that patient will have to have dialysis for the rest of her life. On the bright side the local supply of dried kidney powder has been replenished so addicted rich people can experience their new high via razor blades and a straw. The poor just use straws and cocaine, replenishing the profits of Core Civics, formerly known as Tennessee Corrections Corporation. Kidnapped and hijacked to internment camps by the state, babies and asylum seeking immigrants increase profits too. In a related story prison corporation donations to the Trump campaign are expected to skyrocket.

And Now Our Repetitive Feature: “Never in the News!”– Companies like Trump Co put out the cheese…

2018, Nashville, Tennessee– Frequency of shootings are up to at least one every day. In response advocates demanded more guns in more places. Meanwhile, nationally, Trump tweets attacks on McCain and anyone who dares to disagree. All of which amount to necrophilia: politically raping a corpse and stroking his own ego in public. “Even all the aliens in the universe know I had the BIGGIE-EST victory, biggest hands, biggest… Now look over there! No, coh-lou-shion! NO, look over THERE! No, COH-LOU-SHION!! NO, LOOK OVER THERE!!!!!!!!!!!

2019 Nashville, Tennessee– Those who are viciously cruel to animals finally have to serve sentences if convicted. Before that, like George Zimmerman, they were applauded once having committed a horrific act. In George’s case he was stalking a teen. In Tennessee it sometimes amounts to stealing dogs from owners for dogfights. Tennessee does have a long history of ignoring, turning their backs on such and also betting on dogfights. Legislators were found attending and betting sometimes. All in a state that, until recently, considered itself so morally ‘pure’ gambling was illegal, which solved EVERYTHING. (Wink. Wink.)
 Meanwhile truck stops with quarter machines that, if you put a quarter in at the right time, patrons were rewarded with tons of quarters. That was NOT considered gambling. How dare you even suggest that? “We don’t care how you ‘do things up north!'” (Even if you’re from California.) “You know the difference between a damn Yankee and a godda…” (Blah, blah, blah.)

And Now Our Repetitive Feature:“Never in the News!”– Companies like Trump Co…

2019, Nashville, Tennessee and the Nation– Frequency of shootings are up to at least one, two, to three every day. In response advocates demanded more guns in more places. Meanwhile Trump still attacks someone over and over again who can’t defend himself: a dead man named McCain because assaulting a corpse is so much fun… attacks anyone who dares to disagree, and strokes his own ego in public like a man in a trench coat might gratify himself in a public park in front of people.
 ”Even all the aliens in the universe know I had the BIGGEST victory, big hands and a big… Now look over there! No, coh-lou-shion! NO, look over THERE! No, COH-LOU-SHION!! NO, LOOK OVER THERE!!!!!!!!!!!”

2019, Nashville, Tennessee, March 20th, 7am- Uber driver shot, O’Reilly’s part store shooting, some still want to shoot former Mayor Meghan Barry claiming it’s because she had an affair with her bodyguard, unlike all the male mayors and public servants who historically were, and are, pure, holier than everyone else. Not a single hint of financial or other improprieties. Mentions of former Mayor Bill “I had a BIG Boner for a stripper instead my wife Betty” will NOT be tolerated. Meanwhile his goosestepping supporters rate Trump a constant 10 for every affair he had to pay off. It’s kind of like how husbands permitted Jimmy Jones to have sex with their wives. How dare they say “no” to their deity?

And Now Our Repetitive Feature: “Never in the News!”– Companies like Trump Co…

2019, Nashville, Tennessee and the Nation- Advocates demanded more guns in more places as a solution to gun violence, because this is working SO well.

Inspection is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 40 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks, and into the unseen cracks and crevasses, that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
©Copyright 2019
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions
all right reserved

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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