Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Why NPR, or anybody else, would trust this idiot’s honesty, especially after the Shirley Sherrod fiasco, is beyond me, but there you go. If he were a progressive, he’d be blacklisted by the Big Media forever.

No Shocker: O’Keefe’s NPR “Sting” Video Is a Lie

by Mark Sumner
Daily Kos,
March 14, 2011

The ACORN video was a fake. The Shirley Sherrod video was a fake. So why should anyone be surprised to find that the NPR video is also a fake? James O’Keefe has absolutely no interest in the truth. Instead, his well-funded hit machine has only one purpose: to distort and manufacture controversy.


The real scandal here isn’t anything that Schiller said, it’s that anyone treats O’Keefe and his video sausage grinding seriously. And that NPR, like the Obama administration in the last round of this unmitigated, bald-faced manipulation, reacts as if anything O’Keefe is producing can be trusted.

There may be no clearer marker of media’s decline than in their treating O’Keefe as a legitimate source. Like Scott Walker’s actions against the unions in Wisconsin, O’Keefe isn’t out there to find the truth. He’s out there to smash anyone not part of the conservative club, and if what that takes is an unending stream of sewage… he has no problem with that.

Read the rest here.


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