Everything alluded to in this cartoon may be true and Rand’s application of her theories to economics and government we may be mistaken but the essentials of her epistemology and her analysis of the importance of philosophy as a discipline are unarguable. What fascinates me most through is the deafening silence of academic philosophers on Rand’s writings. For instance, the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy has no entry for her. Even if she’s thought to have been less than academically respectable the staggering influence she’s had on recent politics and neo-conservative thinking demands a close examination of her work. Or to put it simply for those on the left “Know thine enemy”.
I find there’s nothing in this universe “unarguable.”
12 years ago
You liberals are so stupid! You constantly think Republican economic policies caused the recent economic crisis but that’s not entirely true.
Liberals say deregulation caused the economic crisis and you guys always say it was Reagan’s deregulating. Well did you morons know that Reagan only removed one yes just 1 regulation from the financial industry throughout his presidency and this regulation he removed has nothing to do with the economic crisis? And did you retards also know deregulation in the financial industry had been going on before Reagan even became president? Jimmy Carter for a fact removed a couple regulations from the financial industry. If any deregulation caused the economic crisis then it was most likely Bill Clinton’s deregulation. The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999 repealed a part of the Glass Stegall Act and this law passed with strong bipartisan support. You hear that many liberals agreed with it! And the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 which deregulated derivatives had strong bipartisan support too. Those credit default swaps that were part of the economic crisis are derivatives. Clinton’s deregulation definitely had more to do with the economic crisis than Reagan’s. And also Clinton pushed lenders to give out loans to risky people. I don’t think George W. Bush was a good president but he was not that much of a cause of the economic crisis he was more of a sitting duck. The Federal Reserve also has had a hand in it. The Federal Reserve controls the economy trying to stimulate it and so on they are a big cause of these boom-bust cycles.
The truth is that the economic crisis is plenty of people’s fault both Republican And Democrats and also people outside of politics. It is not just the Republicans fault.
How “smart” are you responding to a post that appeared here quite a while ago and the poster is now dead so he can’t respond? I’ll bet you also claim “Liberals” don’t know how to argue, they just respond with insults. You know, “insults” like “stupid,” “retards.”
Note: I agree, Clinton deregulated too, and I blame him as much or more than any Republican. Carter too. This Planet of the Apes sequel-like deregulation religion has been faithfully followed by both sides, unfortunately. But you just assumed anyone left alive here would automatically believe such things.
Did you think setting up that strawman and knocking it down would be convincing?
Not as “smart” as you think, eh?
Freddie B
11 years ago
$17 Trillion Dollars….No one is accountable. Neither Left nor Right. The Current Moron will turn out to be 2+ (in $) times as stupid as the previous stupid. The media totally ignores this and its all about the shutdown of (USELESS) “non-essential” jobs created by the Feds. The Great Depression happened AFTER the creation of the Federal Reserve, itself an instrument of preventing such catastrophes, by adding regulations that created an imbalance of a then freer, more capitalistic society. Nowadays for every regulation that the Government imposes a new door of opportunity opens for others, continuing the imbalance and allowing for more regulations to flourish
You know, whether Bush or Obama I have always assumed “moron,” or “idiot” to be more reflective on the person who makes the claim: someone who has never achieved all they have. That includes me, BTW.
The debt has been very high many times throughout history, especially if we take into account yesterday’s value to the dollar v. now. Does that mean never do anything about it?
Frankly one can make a case that almost any “job,” government or not, is “useless,” or eventually will be. I do find it funny that most folks consider a job useless only if it doesn’t suit their partisan philosophy. And usually they haven’t a clue as to what the person who does that job does. They assume “nothing,” or “nothing of value.” How convenient is that assumption?
Freddie B
11 years ago
Again we have a comment that doesn’t address the real issue and how it can be solved. The fact that the debt has been high many times simply does not apply here since there is no solution in sight. The debt will become bigger than the GDP in the next few years yet the comments focus on adjectives instead of the math. “In March 2006, then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., found the notion of raising the debt ceiling quite distasteful” – Our current President is as hypocrite as they come (yeah, please focus on that word instead of the debt!) 1) Obama takes Office as of 1/20/2009: Debt = 9,191,074,962,157
2) DEBT as of 9/30/2013 = 16,738,649,841,392
3) Difference 1) – 2) = 7,547,574,879,235 or 82% increase
Source: The Federal Government http://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/debt/current
Everything alluded to in this cartoon may be true and Rand’s application of her theories to economics and government we may be mistaken but the essentials of her epistemology and her analysis of the importance of philosophy as a discipline are unarguable. What fascinates me most through is the deafening silence of academic philosophers on Rand’s writings. For instance, the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy has no entry for her. Even if she’s thought to have been less than academically respectable the staggering influence she’s had on recent politics and neo-conservative thinking demands a close examination of her work. Or to put it simply for those on the left “Know thine enemy”.
I find there’s nothing in this universe “unarguable.”
You liberals are so stupid! You constantly think Republican economic policies caused the recent economic crisis but that’s not entirely true.
Liberals say deregulation caused the economic crisis and you guys always say it was Reagan’s deregulating. Well did you morons know that Reagan only removed one yes just 1 regulation from the financial industry throughout his presidency and this regulation he removed has nothing to do with the economic crisis? And did you retards also know deregulation in the financial industry had been going on before Reagan even became president? Jimmy Carter for a fact removed a couple regulations from the financial industry. If any deregulation caused the economic crisis then it was most likely Bill Clinton’s deregulation. The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999 repealed a part of the Glass Stegall Act and this law passed with strong bipartisan support. You hear that many liberals agreed with it! And the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 which deregulated derivatives had strong bipartisan support too. Those credit default swaps that were part of the economic crisis are derivatives. Clinton’s deregulation definitely had more to do with the economic crisis than Reagan’s. And also Clinton pushed lenders to give out loans to risky people. I don’t think George W. Bush was a good president but he was not that much of a cause of the economic crisis he was more of a sitting duck. The Federal Reserve also has had a hand in it. The Federal Reserve controls the economy trying to stimulate it and so on they are a big cause of these boom-bust cycles.
The truth is that the economic crisis is plenty of people’s fault both Republican And Democrats and also people outside of politics. It is not just the Republicans fault.
How “smart” are you responding to a post that appeared here quite a while ago and the poster is now dead so he can’t respond? I’ll bet you also claim “Liberals” don’t know how to argue, they just respond with insults. You know, “insults” like “stupid,” “retards.”
Note: I agree, Clinton deregulated too, and I blame him as much or more than any Republican. Carter too. This Planet of the Apes sequel-like deregulation religion has been faithfully followed by both sides, unfortunately. But you just assumed anyone left alive here would automatically believe such things.
Did you think setting up that strawman and knocking it down would be convincing?
Not as “smart” as you think, eh?
$17 Trillion Dollars….No one is accountable. Neither Left nor Right. The Current Moron will turn out to be 2+ (in $) times as stupid as the previous stupid. The media totally ignores this and its all about the shutdown of (USELESS) “non-essential” jobs created by the Feds. The Great Depression happened AFTER the creation of the Federal Reserve, itself an instrument of preventing such catastrophes, by adding regulations that created an imbalance of a then freer, more capitalistic society. Nowadays for every regulation that the Government imposes a new door of opportunity opens for others, continuing the imbalance and allowing for more regulations to flourish
You know, whether Bush or Obama I have always assumed “moron,” or “idiot” to be more reflective on the person who makes the claim: someone who has never achieved all they have. That includes me, BTW.
The debt has been very high many times throughout history, especially if we take into account yesterday’s value to the dollar v. now. Does that mean never do anything about it?
Frankly one can make a case that almost any “job,” government or not, is “useless,” or eventually will be. I do find it funny that most folks consider a job useless only if it doesn’t suit their partisan philosophy. And usually they haven’t a clue as to what the person who does that job does. They assume “nothing,” or “nothing of value.” How convenient is that assumption?
Again we have a comment that doesn’t address the real issue and how it can be solved. The fact that the debt has been high many times simply does not apply here since there is no solution in sight. The debt will become bigger than the GDP in the next few years yet the comments focus on adjectives instead of the math. “In March 2006, then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., found the notion of raising the debt ceiling quite distasteful” – Our current President is as hypocrite as they come (yeah, please focus on that word instead of the debt!) 1) Obama takes Office as of 1/20/2009: Debt = 9,191,074,962,157
2) DEBT as of 9/30/2013 = 16,738,649,841,392
3) Difference 1) – 2) = 7,547,574,879,235 or 82% increase
Source: The Federal Government