Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

I was originally thinking of facetiously suggesting that perhaps the bullet that nicked Trump’s ear was a message from God for him to leave the presidential race, but the fact that other people died and were wounded in that incident, makes it a joke that is in very poor taste.

Nonetheless, it is predictably true that Trump cultists are claiming that somehow, Trump escaping the assassination attempt by a 20 year old Republican, was somehow an act of divine intervention, and a sign from God, ignoring these inconvenient facts.

Actually, I think that a better case could be made (not that I believe it) that Kamala Harris is a beneficiary of divine intervention. If one studies her life story, it certainly is inspiring that she has come as far as she has, from her humble (though academically oriented) beginnings, if not a true miracle. Being a “woman of color,” breaking glass ceilings, and shattering traditions, certainly seems less likely than a person who was born uber-wealthy, like Trump, attaining a position of great power. For that matter, even Gavin Newsom’s life story, which few Americans are probably aware of, may seem rather miraculous; for one thing, he has dealt with severe dyslexia his entire life.

But no, we have been subject to hordes of Trump sycophants and the Republican National Convention, wearing white patches over their right ears, almost like Christian crosses, to symbolize Trump’s triumph over impending death.

I found an article which discusses the wrongheadedness of considering Trump’s escape from serious injury, a miracle. This fairly short article, by E.J. Montini of the Arizona Republic, basically says the same thing that I said above. If this incident was some kind of miracle, why was an innocent bystander killed, and two others critically wounded? Yes, as Trump supporters, they probably were against much gun regulation, but still, they were innocent bystanders If God saved Trump from a shooting, what about the man who died? (msn.com)).

Montini concludes that people like Trump, who claims that God intervened to prevent him from serious harm, and others who believe likewise, must think that God is an idiot, or worse. Of course, if there is a God, that entity is no idiot or worse (evil).

Instead, this is just another case of brainwashed, delusional people twisting the facts to suit their preconceived beliefs of divine destiny. There should be no place for this kind of nonsense in American politics, especially when policies that these people support are responsible for exacerbating this kind of violence.

Here’s ya extra homework!

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