Tue. Feb 11th, 2025


    The seed planted that grew into this edition was a series of Facebook memes directed at those who don’t want Donald Trump. There are some variations, but basically they all list supposed wonderful things that Trump did or didn’t do during his administration, often starting with, “What bothers you so much? No wars?” I’m just going to take on that one because philosophically it bugs me.
    This will provide the basis for my last edition of Inspection pre-election.
    Of course, there was a war during the Trump years: Afghanistan. A war started by George W. that lasted until Joe Biden. In fact perhaps the one thing Donald Trump and Joe Biden agreed on was the war in Afghanistan had to stop. Trump initiated the end by negotiating with the Taliban and also keeping the Afghan government out of negotiations. This was an all too classic “Art of the Deal” scam where cheating is fair game, screwing over others acceptable: including giving the Taliban a base and releasing a lot of the worst, most dangerous, Taliban fighters from prison. A base also filled with weapons. So wasn’t just Joe where weapons were left behind. So it wasn’t just during Joe’s administration where weapons were left behind. If leaving weapons behind is a big knock against Joe, to be fair, it’s also one against Don. Though I find those who make up such talking points rarely have any interest in “fair.”
    But, as I already mentioned, philosophically that war comment bugged me. Afghanistan aside, our nation has been at war since the golden escalator, and I don’t mean abroad. Donald Trump and MAGA’s war was made obvious on 1/6….
    Donald Trump is waging war on all who dare to disagree with him, especially those whom he perceives as being in his way. Often it may SEEM more a war of words, but he has also pushed it towards violence far too often. He is continuing it: we are “the enemy within.” His “revenge” comments are all too revealing.
    At war with us. WE are the enemy. At war with their fellow citizens: all those who won’t fall in line, be loyal. Starting with Jack Smith, Hillary, Pelosi, the media… and plan on expanding that war if elected. And if you think it will stop with high profile people, you’re wrong.
    Groups like Proud Boys will no longer “stand back and stand by.”
    Donald Trump is waging war on all who dare to disagree with him, especially those whom he perceives as being in his way. Often it may SEEM more a war of words he has also pushed it towards violence far too often. His “revenge” comments are also very revealing. Revenge on us because we too are “the enemy within.”
    LISTEN to what he says, not the spin from others; like his “enemies from within” comments are all about violent immigrants. THAT IS A LIE, and those who say it know it.
    Donald Trump, intentional or not, (I vote intentional because he has done it so much.) gives permission to acts like the hammer to the head, beating cops, shooting up a pizza parlor, abusing arrested protesters as they’re being tossed into the back seat of cop cars, El Paso
    Once again I could go on and on with examples. And the true MAGAS LOVE this kind of stuff. Eager to hear they no longer have to stand back. They are his silver shirts, the American version of black shirts (Mussolini) and Hitler’s brownshirts.
    Trump envisions himself like some masculine general he man (look to the trading cards) leading a brownshirt-like army in a “culture war” and war against the “deep state.” By creating, ironically, a real deep state consisting of absolute loyalists who no longer care about rule of law or the Constitution. Supported by an army of what amounts to silver shirts. Hell, the Madison Square Garden rally had a lot of echoes of the rally American Nazis had in 1939.
    We need a BIG victory. Oh, don’t be fooled: the war will continue, but its leaders will be weakened and more vulnerable to justice being served. He wins and the war will be damn close to won: for them.
    So, yes, this is a war, was a war, will be war. If we ignore that it’s not unlike like the old “first they came for the Jews…” It won’t just be the Jews who won’t vote him. All of us whom he casts as “enemies from within” are to be targeted. Like Charlottesville they long to drive through America and over all who dare object, dare protest, dare write about their objections, or even dare to fact check.
    There are so many reasons not to vote Trump.
    But I can’t think of any better ones than the war on those not Trump.

     Not all columns are posted on alternate sites. If you feel you have missed one please go to endofthenet.org


    “Inspection” is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 50 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks and into the unseen cracks and crevasses that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
©Copyright 2024
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions.
All Rights Reserved.

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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