Turns Out Palin’s Been Lying About This Too…
When I first heard Sarah Palin make the claim that she could "see Russia from her house" it sounded weird and, checking a map, seemed preposterous. Now, thanks to CNN,…
The Tattlesnake – Biden-Palin a Snoozer Edition
Ho-Hum Debate: The much-ballyhooed Biden-Palin exchange of stump speeches disguised as a debate came off as a fairly bland affair. No big gaffes, no sizzling language, nothing but the same-old…
Ye Olde Scribe Presents: SmorgASS-Borg’s Guide to Scribe’s Different Dimensional Dreams
"My name is Smarty Pants SmorgASS 9, part of the Borg-like collective located on Roveania: working on a project for an all powerful JUNIOR Smorg, and his main squeeze-drone-clone: McSame.…
The Tattlesnake – I Knew Sarah Palin Edition
-- Or, At Least, Someone Like Her Centuries ago, before personal computers, Blackberries, cell phones and The Google, Your Decrepit Tattler worked for a company that published a glossy magazine…
The Tattlesnake — Media Mania: When Do We Draw the Line on This Nonsense? Edition
The latest overwrought BM (Big Media) guilt-by-association crapola has to do with Father Michael Pfleger making fun of Hillary as a guest speaker at Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ…