Inspection- When Memory Refuses to Fade
This week... so much to comment on! Everything is so political. I even had a column ready discussing if gas prices are being fixed for political reasons. Maybe I'll publish…
The Tattlesnake Obama’s Not Black Anymore Edition
In my informal surveys of John and Jane Q. Public-Sixpack over the years (and usually conducted near a six-pack), I've noticed an interesting phenomenon the more well-known and admired a…
Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Just a Lil Bit O’ a Rewrite
You've been good boys, girls and world conquering gerbils this week, so spankings will cease. For now. YOS has decided to ghost where he has never ghost before... adding a…
The Tattlesnake Electoral Enigmas and Other Wacky Weirdness Edition
Laugh-a-bull: McCain's top pollster Bill McInturff appeared on MSNBC with Chuck "Not Related to Crazy Ashley" Todd on Halloween. To put it politely, McInturff was pissing up a rope trying…
Ye Old Scribe Presents: Maverick (sic) or; One Hell of a Sick Maverick
Ye Olde Scribe's Incredible, Inedible Quote Machine "Don't eat it. Read it. Cause ya can't be too chew... see." For example, in a Weekly Standard column titled "McCain versus the…