Sun. Oct 27th, 2024

   No voter likes being put in a cage. Not even those who eagerly do the caging; though legally they should be put in a cage through due process.
   I know it’s counter intuitive, but what percentage people support one side or another is meaningless these days. It all comes down to how many people are counted, or not. How many denied the right to vote, or allowed to vote; even if they have every right to vote. And suspicion, doubt, accusations can be piled upon them, regardless of lack of proof.
   Add to that what doubt, and what hate, can be forced upon that soon to be denied electorate. We have advocates who will do their damnedest to get you not to vote, to be sure you don’t vote. With the advent of easy computing they really don’t need Justice Roberts-like watchers challenging and tossing out voters from the polls; all they have to do is use some bogus computer program that finds a missing dot after your initial (Exact Match) or find out you have a name similar to someone in another state. (Like the final solution it’s mostly hush, hush.) YOU have to prove you should have the right to vote, and they make that as hard as possible when you belong to some politically incorrect voting bloc that’s easy to block. (Example: poor blacks.)
   So easy. Eliminate your poll station, increasingly difficult ID requirements; make it harder to get that ID. And then, success: mass elimination of politically incorrect voters! (Do people really feel good about this? Would they feel good done to them?)
   As of late, more out in the open supposedly for the good of the nation. (“Good” for THEM.) Yet another final solution, complete with immigrant bashing, because we all know those CALLED “illegals” have no interest in hiding, every interest in stepping into a poll station without even a voting card. And if they are discovered, so what?
Sarcasm well served, well deserved.
   Let’s not beat around the metaphorical burning bush here, we all know who is doing this…
   Republicans, MAGA, those who dare call themselves “conservatives.” Those even Bill Buckley’s corpse might spit on.
   Oh, they’re dress it up in all the hate garb, and trolls will insist, “No, it’s those ‘Demon-crats!!!” …an answer with all the creativity of a rock on the Planet Bumfut, a place never visited by God, humans, or any species in the known universe. They know it sucks.
   Sophisticated computers model all this daily, hourly, I’m sure every microsecond. This is all about the survival of a party with a dying base, fewer numbers, willing to go to extremes, again, Bill’s corpse would spit upon. (Like January, 6th.) Having been a conservative in the 60’s and early 70’s, I’m sure I know how Bill’s corpse might react, if it could, better than these posers.
   Meanwhile they eliminate the politically incorrect in more ways than voting Kneeing them to death, shooting them in the back, shooting into a car filled with kids because of loud music. And may very well add counting each politically correct vote 2X, 3X. They have gone where Bill Buckley never imagined they’d go before, why not more?
   Since it will only get worse, as it did for a similar movement in the 30’s, we can’t afford to let them win. We REALLY can’t.


   Inspection is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 50 years. First published in fall of 1972. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks, and into the unseen cracks and crevasses, that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
©Copyright 2022
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions
all rights reserved

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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